Sunday, July 28, 2013

Recognizing HIS Voice.

So late to be up! However I just want say that I'm learning how to Hear our Heavenly Fathers Voice...

I've fought so much with my Head! But now after reading, watching TV, surfing the net. I have found that it is that feeling deep inside yourself almost your (conscious )  or gut feeling that you know the difference between right and wrong. When I read and study my bible it gets clearer and clearer! My sister said I should pray and ask for guidance. I find that it works and i can hear!!!!!!

At times when I would normally Blow Up, I have found that I'm thinking before I speak. I have changed the way I look at things. My ❤ is at Peace. It's very true: seek and you will find. By the unmerited favor I have found in God; I can see how life can change for me.

All my life The Lord has had a presence in my life. My Mother showed me from a little girl to seek God first. Over and Over I struggled with what I don't see with my eyes that I don't understand! I'm learning to see with my heart. It's so refreshing to know why I'm not a worrier or that I don't sweat the small stuff and I can honestly say I don't stress out. I thought this was just my character. It's not Me! Along time ago I made up my mind that I was a winner and that I will always Prosper!!!!  What I understand now was That GOD told me just that through my mother. I hear him clearly. I used to think that I was dealt a crappy hand in life right from the start. I wasn't seeing what I had, what I was born into. And I thank you Lord because you truly supplied all my needs!!!! Amen.

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